I can vividly recall the day I became a Republican.
My boyfriend’s mother was consistent with trying to convert me to see the ‘right’ side of social and political issues. So one day when I was sitting in the upstairs room with my boyfriend, she slipped a stack of papers underneath the door for me to read. Now she would usually send me emails of articles about the right wing party for me to read, but I would brush it aside because I wasn’t really interested. But she said that this particular article would spark my interest because it was on something I was passionate about: my education.
The main premise of the article was a about a girl just like me who had no interest in politics until someone explained it to her in a way in which would get her attention. She was an honor roll student in school with a high GPA and took it upon herself to study tediously everyday and work hard towards her goal of getting into a good college. It was when the topic of politics got brought up that she didn’t understand how it would correlate with her doing well in school. Her friend said, “Since you work hard in school and believe in sharing with others who didn’t work as hard as you did, then just give them half of your GPA. You’re alright with that aren’t you?” The girl replied, “That wouldn’t be fair to me because I earned the grades and the other person didn’t, so why would I have to share my GPA.” And the friend replied, “You have just become a republican.”
Now of course more goes into becoming a Republican then that, but that is what grabbed my attention because I didn’t look at it from the perspective of giving handouts to people who so easily take advantage of the social system and think they are entitled to something someone else worked so hard for.
It was then that I became aware of how important politics are around me and how they initially affect your entire life. It was then that I became adamant about spreading the word of what is fair and just, and I knew I was conservative.
I think this is really funny. I was a REP for years too. More since my dad was, and that was pro-business and such. Yea, like why give money to the poor who do not work for it.
ReplyDeleteBut then I started to think and look at real research instead of Murdock's bogus newsprint or Fox Propaganda... Sure the poor need to work. But what about all the corporate subsidies? How much has Monsanto, Dole, GE and Exxon raped from the public coffers? Unemployment subsidies are a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the BILLIONS in just corn subsidies: http://farm.ewg.org/progdetail.php?fips=00000&progcode=corn
Don't even look at what General Dynamics or Boeing get from the defense budget. Lot's and Lot's of money for nothing there.... ;-)
I like this story, it put brought a student's perspective to politics. I never really saw it the way that your article pointed out to you. I personally don't think that it is that black and white, but thats up for debate. I really liked the post, it caught my attention, which most things on politics don't then to do, so good job.
ReplyDeleteI think that the GPA example is funny, although I have read many of your post and don't agree with all of your opinions, but I can understand why you believe a lot of the things you do (this example of the social system included.)
ReplyDeleteI also know what you mean about your boyfriend's mom trying to convert you, my mom does the same thing to me! Bombards me with conservative articles and such.
@Eric I'm not too sure about the difference between unemployment vs. Corporation subsidies. I will have to look up more about both of them to find my view on that issue.
ReplyDelete@D.Bell and @R.Marie I thought it was the perfect example for me because I see myself as a tedious student and a hard worker and would hade to be discredited for it. Like I said, I know there is more to it then that, but it grabbed my attention and made me want to research more about the Republican party. I don't know close to everything there is to know about the issues at hand so I respect and encourage opposing views, so it can give me an opportunity to look farther into it and form my opinion.
Nicki, I guess most people would say unemployment is the lazy dem's trying to get something for nothing... while the subsidies are to the rich rep's who own all the big companies and most of the politicians anyway... ;-)
ReplyDeleteThe Department of Health and Human services is our most expensive outlay.
I agree, the Federal Government should not be subsidizing businesses. I’ve always subscribed to that theory, but in order to do that, the Government needs to get out of the free market, and that includes removing mandates and regulations, which the government will never do. I just don’t understand where they think that they get their authority.
Even if the public wants the authority, it is incumbent upon the elected officials to educate their constituencies in the operations of our government. I.e., reminding them of the limited powers of the constitution.
As for “General Dynamics or Boeing,” they are in the defense industry. Since the federal government is not in the business of business, we need the free market to help defend our country, which is in Article 1, section 8 of the constitution. Also, that’s why the Second Amendment to the Constitution speaks about militias. Where, in the constitution of 1787, it indicates that the government is responsible for the national defense, you cannot have a national defense without the citizens taking arms, for their country.
I love your assertion about defense, “lots and lots of money for nothing there.” Tell that to the Navy Seals!
Yea the Navy Seals will tell you they spend thousands on little trinkets that don't work... that's the worst kind of government subsidy for big greedy businesses. Hundreds and millions spent on crap. It happens all the time and no one has any clue. Like $30 million for a new bridge in Afghanistan for getting supplies in, but the bridge really cost only $30,000. I have a relative who was an admiral, he always said it was the "trickle-down-theory." Like the $200 toilet seat, that created lots of new businesses and lots of profits for the little guys. What a pile of SH-T! All the toilet seats came from the same place, subsidiaries of Boeing or another big contractor... Go to any country in the world and ask the guy on the street, and they'll say how foolish and naive americans are thinking that our taxes support freedom instead of some imperial war machine...