Thursday, June 9, 2011

Don't quit, take a stand with Mitt!

Former Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney, seems to be the top contender in the upcoming  2012 presidential election.

Although he lost in the 2008 primaries to McCain, he is back and ready to take on Obama. 

Romney is out to prove that he is the man for this position and his track record does prove as a positive reinforcement for him. 

One of his main strengths that pulls him to the front line is his 30 some odd years of being a successful businessman. After graduating from Harvard Business he went on to hold executive positions in various offices as well as leading his own establishments.

The main con I see in his comes from his past as governor and the heath care reform he passed in his home state of Massachusetts. Many conservatives, like myself, see it as a spin off of Obama's health care plan.  But in his candidacy he made a pledge by stating that,   "Our next president must repeal Obamacare and replace it with market-based reforms that empower states and individuals and reduce health care costs. States and private markets, not the federal government, hold the key to improving our health care system." I personally hope that he sticks to this promise because I would like to see him bounce back from the mistake he made before. I think that would show America that our potential future president can fix what he has done wrong and provide for the good of the people. 

Another main strength was his views on higher education that I read about in this article, Mitt Romney on Education. He proposes to have families save for their children's future instead of relying on government assistance.  According to Alex Burgos, Mitt Romney's campaign spokes person, “He wants to empower families to save for their children's education by making money earned on savings interest, capital gains and He wants to help the middle class realize that saving will be better in the long run, so they won't be struggling when the time comes to send their kids off.dividends tax-free for all middle class taxpayers. 

In the months that follow, if Romney continues to to show true care and responsibility to once and for all get American back on track I think he will prove to be the man for the job. 

For more information check out his website, Mitt Romney Website.

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