Friday, June 17, 2011

Restoring Honor

Even if you don't agree with my radical views on the Republican Party, my point was to open the eyes of the youth and to show truths among times that seems to be characterized as free and whimsical. We are the future and in MY future I want a better life for all even if that includes some struggling along the way.

As the 2012 Presidential election comes up, I hope the youth this time around actually reads up and does research on the candidates, so as not to make the mistake we did before. I am not flat out saying that Obama was a mistake to our country (that is for you to determine), but the way our country went about electing him. We were so focused on a fresh face that we did not know or care to know what he was all about.

It is evident that neither Republicans nor Democrats have the right answers, but I think we as conservatives are trying to undo the generation of entitlement because I think that problem overall is really hurting our economy and future as productive citizens.

After doing more research about the Republican party and what they are all about, I stick to what Glen Beck is determined to do for or country, Restore Honor. As someone who stands for personal responsibility and the freedom to make my own choices, it baffles me when others would go against that by asking for more government assistance. I want more students of voting age to make the right decision this time around and restore our country back to what our Founding Fathers wanted.


  1. I agree with you 100%. We need to stop asking for assistance and start figuring out other means of solving our problems. Also, I agree with your opinion about how we went about electing Obama. Everyone assumed that he would be able to fix all of the problems going on in a short period of time, and then everyone became upset when change did not happen very fast or at all.

  2. I just feel that if people actually did their research instead of going along with the norm, so as not to be an outcast then our country would not be in the shape it's in. If you read The Voice of the Youth's blog you will see how much money our country is losing and spending because of these stimulus checks along with research that has nothing to do with our nation. I just though as Americans, we were smarter than this.

  3. I agree, we do need to read and research. Unfortunately that is not the way for most people. The bandwagon effect works wonderfully for the candidate with the better Sky-hook principal. We need to learn what we can about any one who is going to lead our country. I do feel that the youth of this country are the worst at just following along. We don't choose the best candidate, just the title of the party.

  4. I agree with most of your opinions that you have written in your blog and I do feel that you have presented and explained political issues that the youth are or will experience. I don't feel that Obama was a mistake for our country but the fact is that he had NO background experience before coming into office. The country listened to his ideas on 'change' and good speeches.

    The truth is- the youth and college students make up enough of the voting population and can sway an election. So I think it's time for politicians to listen to us and get out and vote!
