Sunday, May 22, 2011

From Where I Stand . . .

Politics: I know, it’s the first thing on everyone’s mind at 11:47 after we realized we are still alive and have yet another day to carry out. But even if it was on the backburner for just a minute, I think it would be safe to say that this is a hot ticket issue especially with the upcoming 2012 presidential election.

I understand that for young people today, this might not be the first thing they care about especially when they have alcohol to consume and college exams to take, but I think the problem is the youth is uneducated, confused, and more prevalent, intimidated by the understanding of the word politics and how it directly affects them.

This is why I made this blog. I want people to realize the importance of having a voice, and most importantly, knowing where you stand.

I am a Conservative.

This can be disheartening to some and others might see me as selfish and coldhearted, but either way this is where I stand.

And how do I like my tea? I like it made from a strong foundation of hard work this country was built on and of course, tax-free. I have gone to the Washington D.C. Tea Party Express rally on September 12, 2009 for the Healthcare protest and Glen Beck’s “Restoring Honor” on August 28th 2010 and from what I have witnessed, I am a Republican for the shear fact that I believe in individual responsibility, the free market, and the right to order a Big Mac with all the extra Mac sauce I’d like.

This is my voice to the youth to understand my point of view and rhetoric to influence and have others understand the crisis the United States is facing because our increased sensitivity and wanting to be equal.


  1. I think that you make a good point saying that students and youth in general have other things than politics on their minds. As a college student, I can say it's true! Plus the fact, politics is a very intimidating subject for me and I'm sure others. There is so much to consider and think about when voicing an opinion as great as a political opinion, very scary! Hopefully your blog will provide good insight on topics when others are considering who to vote for in the election, teach us something :)

  2. I like the way you are approaching your side. Many youth don't see the Conservative side. I can't wait to see what you do with this. Honestly, I'm not really into politics, I'd like to see a younger view point. It may spark an interest.

  3. Another problem with younger people when it comes to politics is that they don't realize they do not have to chose sides. They think they have to be 100% conservative or 100% democratic because that's how our legislative system makes it appear. I have republican tendencies but I do not take a conservative stand on every issue. It is important for people to not make up their minds before they even know the question

  4. Coming from a super conservative household I know the where you're coming from. The problem with politics in this country is the two-party system. Just my two cents.

  5. This is a blog that I will surely follow very closely. As a liberal I will almost certainly read it with a rather sharp pain in my gut, but I will read it none the less. Unlike some of my less eloquent liberals, I refrain from yelling "Facist!" just as I'm sure you refrain from screaming "Commie Bastard!" Even though I have my own personal beliefs I try to stay open minded to the other side, and honestly I understand many conservative views and see where they are coming from. I have not really met too many young conservatives that are able to articulate their opinions as well as you do, they tend to keep to themselves. This is why I find this blog so interesting, as I usually have to submit myself to watching Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity to get a sense of the other side. So thank you for sparing me from that and for providing a fresh perspective.
